Reaching out and expanding influence and interaction to work with and for minority communities.
Since 2016, the conservative message has begun to chip away at the democrat lie.
The socialist democrats for too long have enslaved the minority communities as their personal voting base by using broken promises and policy designed to destroy their families, businesses, and communities.
We can begin to reverse the tragic and dystopian history and trajectory that many minority communities find themselves today by focusing on breaking through the media and big tech’s steel curtain. We must go directly into these neighborhoods, boroughs and districts and speak one on one to them, show them that the Patriots who support the MAGA doctrine are not racist, were not rule white people nor or we different from them, we are more alike than they would ever believe.
These communities are proud, steeped in beautiful history and culture, and they do not realize, it is what they are most proud of that makes them the most ardent American Patriots.
These Americans have been taught, many since birth, to believe that they live in a racist and systemically designed system of oppression, they have been denied the true history of this country and spoon fed a revisionist version designed to enslave their minds in a belief of victimhood and an acceptance of servitude to a nanny state that does not seek to help them but to only keep them in the chains of welfare and dependence.
The socialist democrats know that the quickest way to conquer America completely is to divide her people against each other, as a caucus we will say no more, we will fight their lies and poisonous diatribes with truth, love, peace, and education. The vast majority of these communities are made up of red-blooded Americans just like us who work hard and want the best for their kids, let us reach out a hand and join together with them to discuss how we are stronger together and how we can save this country.
It will be a steep and difficult process, but it does not mean we should cower or shrink from the duty we have to save our fellow Americans and destroy the evil that has worked for over 100 years to oppress and control millions of our brothers and sisters.
As a caucus we must begin communicating with conservative groups and leaders that are already working in this arena. Many organizations are working separately to accomplish exactly what we have outlined here in goal 5 but they, as it was stated in the beginning, are mostly confederated and disjoined, this makes us weaker and less effective, we must get our message and platforms to these leaders in theses communities, communicate with centers of faith and education and when needed openly debate with those who disagree knowing it is our moral and constitutional foundation that will win every time.