“In the civil society, the individual is recognized and accepted as more than an abstract statistic or faceless member of some group; rather, he is a unique, spiritual being with a soul and a conscience. He is free to discover his own potential and pursue his own legitimate interests, tempered, however, by a moral order that has its foundation in faith and guides his life and all human life through the prudent exercise of judgment.”
-Mark Levin
The term, Civil Society, is one that is rarely heard these days, the evil socialist democrats and their allies in the mainstream media and social networks have worked together with the elites in our nation to erode and (in their hope) destroy it. The socialist democrats seek to destroy the Civil Society in America because it is the lynch pin that holds communities together. They know, if they can successfully destroy the connections and relationships, we all share with our neighbors, our churches, schools, and clubs we no longer have a nation of individuals who believe in liberty for all but rather a mass of nameless faceless people who only serve the state, not their own interest.
We, as a caucus, believe as the founders did, that government does not grant us our rights, our rights are given to us by God and can not be taken by any form of government and that rather the ONLY job of government is to PROTECT these rights not REGULATE them. RESTRICT them or INFRINGE upon them.
We hear endlessly from both sides of the aisle that American Society must change, many great scholars from FA Hayek to Mark Levin and Thomas Sowel have written on the erosion of the civil society through social engineering and central planning, it is the end state of all socialist and communist movements that have now taken to America like a wildfire that politicians drunk on power and consumed by their own narcissistic minds have exploded the size and scope of government in their quest for what they claim is a utopian paradise shaped by their seemingly endless “good ideas” and that if only we will yield to their wild inclinations they can destroy (for our own good) the last barrier to a global utopian community.
We as a caucus must stand up against this, and it begins with advocating for:
Individual Autonomy
We are Americans, we are not a nameless, faceless mass. We have different dreams and ambitions, we may all look differently and even believe different things, but we all believe that it is not my right to infringe on your rights and not your right to infringe on mine.
Government exists ONLY to protect our Unalienable Rights.
Many people do not realize that the Constitution does not grant rights to the American Citizen but rather it is a chain tied to the neck of government and the other end has been placed in our hand, the Constitution exists to simply lay out what the government can not do to us, it is the chain, and it is time we tugged on it…hard.
Destroy the Nanny State and make people less dependent on government.
We wake up every day in America and find ourselves living under a government that exercises unchecked and unlimited power, power over the private behaviors of its citizens, the federal government regulates our lives now on a level that would stun the founders, the nanny state controls our lives like a police force, regulating everything from our lightbulbs and hairdryers to the gas we put in our cars and the mortgages we pay on our homes we have allowed all these things to happen decade after decade and with each new regulation the nanny state grows and the civil society recedes, we must break the back of the nanny state and return the responsibility of life to the individual.