The main goal of the globalist is to erase any distinction of borders and individual groups and communities, because there can be no global community if the individual has any autonomy because if you are serving your family and your own interest you are not advancing the agenda of the global community that has been decided for you, by the elites who have no intention of living under the same standards, they look down on you as a nameless, faceless mass of people who's only purpose is to solidify their power and wealth.
The America First movement started by Donald Trump, or Pat Buchanan before him does not mean America isolated, it simply means that in ALL things we do as a nation, we must put our people, the American People FIRST. In doing this we will naturally strengthen the civil society and restore pride in the American Heart. This requires advocating for:
Strong Borders and a robust Border Wall on our southern Border.
Lift all un-necessary and burdensome regulations that kill American Industry.
Achieve energy independence and also become the leader in a quest for REAL options and alternatives to new forms of energy.
Become the world’s leader in Natural Gas and Petroleum production and exploration.
Exiting any treaty not ratified by the congress.
Re-Negotiating all trade deals to fair terms.
Exit the United Nations should that organization continue to be an abhorrent barrier to liberty and hypocrites of the worst kind.
END all foreign aid
As a Caucus we must be very clear with America and the GOP, we will only support and endorse candidates who openly and publicly endorse the America First platform and the 5 goals. The movement of 2016 and 2020 made the Republican party the America First party, the MAGA doctrine, is the only platform we should be willing to accept within the GOP.